Sunday 31st January.
Ive had a really, really busy and tiring week at work with lots of early mornings and room turn arounds so I was knackered today. I really wanted a sleep in and a lazy Sunday but neither option was available to me. Joanne has had a really bad chest infection and hasnt been sleeping well at all, so I was up some of the night. I tried to get back to sleep but she was struggling breathing and keeping me awake so I just got up. After a few cups of coffee I tackled the mountain of washing that seemed to have appeared overnight and stripped Olivers bed (he'd had an accident last night.). After that I sorted out the Ironing ( I love ironing NOT!) and did Olivers Uniform for school. I was really tired, exhausted and if Im honest and a bit down. No actually I was a lot down and angry at not being able to rest.
The sleepless nights are taking it out of me both physically and mentally. Im half way through sorting the spare room out so I can get a futon in there, but the imminent jobs keep getting in the way (cooking, cleaning, washing etc). Im still reluctant to sleep in a separate room from Joanne as these arrangements quickly become permanent if your not careful and my marriage is difficult enough as it is ( I do love my wife with all my heart though, I just mean its a difficult situation!).
After Id made lunch and tidied up, Oliver went to chill out and play Minecraft in his room and Joanne was watching some tv upstairs so I had a tiny window of opportunity for a run. I checked everyone was ok and slipped out into the drizzle for an amazing and uplifting run. I came home, made tea, tidied up (again) put more washing on, did the rest of the ironing ( I hate ironing, have I ever mentioned it?) bathed oliver, put him to bed, sat down and wrote this with a huge glass of red in my hand. Phew, what a day!
Running: 9.6 miles
I set of into the rain in quite a dark mood. I was so tired but needed to get out of the house. There was hardly any wind and the rain was only a fine mist (the sort that gets you wet!!) so it made a nice change from running in a force 10 storm. I headed out to North Walney again to hit the trails. Im hoping that the softer ground off road will be better for my recovery and kinder to my sore toe.
As I ran down the prom my mood was still dark so I switched off my mind and turned on my Ipod. I let the music in and let my body do the work subconsciously.At the end of the prom my watch beeped for mile two and it was a 7:30min mile. Wow! I didnt expect that turn of speed and I secretly hoped it would be a speedier return to form. The airfield approached and I sped onto the waterlogged path splashing along the flooded path. I had taken my phone today to take some pictures to illustrate my blog, so I stopped numerous times to grab a snap.
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Splash! |
I pushed on up to the top of the dunes and took in the view, lifting my mood and making me forget about my tiredness and woes. I still love the way running enables me to overcome exhaustion and tiredness. The adrenaline and endorphin's produced by the exertion, refreshing my mind, body and soul that no lazy day on the sofa ever could. I breathed in the bracing salty air and bounded down a dune to the shore and straight into the oncoming tide.
Yes it was cold but it made me feel so alive, so happy and free. There is definitely something about splashing in the sea, it always brings a smile to my face. The tide was all the way in so I ran along the pebbles for a while. A quick glance at my watch told me I needed to get back so I rejoined the sand dunes and cantered back the way I came. I finished the run by bounding over the boulder sea defenses that line my route home. I love running on these big rocks and the focus it gives me, one wrong step is a broken leg (probably) and its good practice for running in the lake district and mountains.
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Great Practice |
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