Tuesday, 29 March 2016

A very peaceful and tranquil start to the day

Tuesday 29th March

I was back at work today and  knowing how things go in school holidays I woulnd't get out for a run tonight, so rose early I went out first thing. After a lovely run along the beach I made breakfast and lunch then headed to work. It was a fairly quiet day and I returned home. Oliver wanted to play for a while and Joanne went to bed then I settled down to write this blog.

Running: Recovery Run

3.09 miles / 30min / 9.42 min mile avg.

Recovery session: 30 min in Heart Rate Zone 2

I set off into the cool morning air just before 7am. I made my way up to the beach path, and ran the length of it before turning back for home. It felt quite strange running considerably slower than I normally do but Im going to follow the plan to the end and see what happens. The heart rate zone was low and I had to keep my BPM below 120. I started to get used to the pace and started to really concentrate on my form and my breathing, taking big, slow lungfuls of the fresh sea air and ran totally introspectively.

It was a really lovely sensation and became almost meditative as I ran along. I never take music with me in the morning and I just enjoyed listening to the roar of the tide, to the morning chorus of the birds and the breeze blowing through the grass. It always fills me full of energy, cleaning away all my stress and letting me just be me. I recently came across a word in a book I've never read before - Biophilia and I had to look it up. Its dictionary definition is:


1. an innate love for the natural world, supposed to be felt universally by humankind
2. a love of life and the living world, the affinity of human beings for other life forms

I think this sums up quite nicely how I feel when I run in nature. Ive strongly come to believe that our bodies were not designed for this modern life, with hard backed chairs, sedentary jobs, processed food etc (the list is endless). I think we (I) operate much better as a person when we are surrounded by nature, away from towns and cities. This is where our kind originated and learned to hunt and live, we were one with our surroundings and even now I think our bodies and minds have a symbiotic relationship with it. Sorry this is quite deep for a Tuesday but I just love being surrounded by nature, its so uplifting.

Needless to say I had an extremely relaxing run along the shore.I came away feeling very relaxed and my mind was clear for the rest of the day. Its was great to slow things down for a while and as the great Ferris Bueller once said "life moves pretty fast". No! Wait! Stop! - I will let the man himself say it...

Thats enough philosophizing from me for one day, Im off for a long soak in a hot bath! Night night.

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