Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Im not a dog person!

Monday 29th February

After a mentally demanding and stressful weekend (not to forget smashing Parkrun!!) I was ready to get back to work. I walked to work where we had a big turn around in the theatre. It involved lots of lifting and setting up and I was knackered come lunchtime. After work I walked home and set about my daily chores. Oliver was still fretting about school and was quite anxiuos about it, Joanne was in bed and I was sore as hell. A hard weekend of running had taken its toll on my legs. It was a good job it was a rest day.
After I had sorted everyones dinner out, halfheartedly ironed a basket of ironing (have I ever mentioned I hate ironing?) and tidied up, I got my running maintenance tool kit out and had an hour on the floor, foam rolling, massaging and stretching my tired legs. My glutes were killing me, the deep muscles in them - the piriformis had tightened up and it felt like I had been shot in the arse! I got out my lacrosse ball and sat on it, rolling around and searching for the sore spots. It was a painful job but felt much better afterwards. Later I put Oliver to bed and fell asleep with him for a while then woke up and got in my own bed for the night.

Tuesday 1st March

The first of March - where the hell did January and February go? Joanne had a really bad nights sleep again and I was on an early for a conference. My alarm went at 5:15am and it felt as if id only just set it. I rolled out of bed and after a couple of strong coffees I got ready and headed to work in the cold, windy and very wet morning. I walked to the corner and my jacket was already soaked so I decided the sensible thing would be to get the bus.

 I arrived at work and had a busy shift before walking home. I wasn't feeling myself today, I think the sleepless night x stressful weekend equaled an unhappy Lee. I went home via the town centre to grab a few bits for Oliver to give Joanne for Mothers day but they didn't have what I wanted so I will have to search around tomorrow, adding to my frustrations.

I got in from work and asked how Joanne and Olivers days had been as I always do. Id been feeling down all day. . I made Oliver's dinner but I could feel my tension and anger growing so I had to get out. I was really unhappy, things are getting on top of me lately. As I was getting ready for my run, Joanne could sense I wasn't happy and asked how I was and how my day had gone. I told her Id had a stressful day and needed to get out.

I left the house and ran up to North scale and did a few miles in the freezing wind and rain before returning home to the mess Id left earlier. I stretched and sorted dinner out, tidied up, did some washing, put the bins out, played with Oliver and eventually sat down. I was totally spent, exhausted and still a bit down, even after my run. Things are hard at the moment, especially with little quality sleep. No doubt about it, caring for two people, working full time and looking after myself is (insert expletive here!) -------------- hard!

Running: 6 miles / 7.20 min miles / 44.50 min

I set off and the weather wasn't too bad, making my way around my loop. I just had to get out tonight, I was tired and pissed off and needed to get rid of some negative energy. I pushed it hard along the prom sprinting between lampposts feeling my heart raging in my chest. I felt great releasing all the pent up frustrations from the day.
The wind had started to pick up as I came onto the coastal path and brought with it a smattering of very cold rain. I plowed straight through the icy puddles splashing the freezing liquid all over me. It was a good feeling but the wind and rain got stronger and colder. The side of my face became numb and I had to turn around to let the other cheek take a battering. My zip up top was continually unzipped by the raging wind as I ran towards home, quickly followed by a big dog!
If you know me, Im not a dog person. Dogs just don't like me and the feeling is mutual! I ran down the last mile of the beach path and a big Dalmatian bolted for me and started nipping at my hand. I slowed and moved my hand away but it continued to molest me. I'm quite fearful of dogs (I got attacked by a monster German Shepard as a kid and the fear has never gone) and I'm sure they can smell it on me. I slowly moved away but it continued having a go at me. I was really pissed as the owner made no attempt at stopping it. After what seemed like an eternity, tt moved the other way and I ran off leaving it behind. What an end to the day, thanks dog!
I got home, freezing cold, wet through and shaking from my dog encounter. I really, really do not like dogs! I had a stretch and a shower before making tea and finishing off everything else. Not the best day I must admit!

Food Diary:

nutribullet Chili Beetroot smoothie!! Beetroot, chili, pineapple, spinach, almonds, avocado

Smoked Mackerel and feta salad with beetroot and avocado

Pork chop, mashed potato, carrots, sugar snap peas and apple sauce

Flapjack, banana, oat bar

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