Tuesday, 18 August 2015

"Daddy....Whats a Beaver?"

"Nice Beaver"
That was the the first thing Oliver said to me this morning! My mind went straight to this picture:
I then explained it was a small furry creature that lives under a bush and eats wood!! ;) haha, He made me smile and it lasted for the rest of the day.

Running: 7 miles

Biggar Bank coastal path this morning
My alarm went off at 5am and I got straight up, feeling really focussed and driven. Im really relishing the challenge of the next few weeks and it brings a very different feel to proceedings by blogging about it.
After an espresso I headed out for a 7 mile loop of Walney Island where I live. Its a really flat route and good for building mileage, recovery runs etc. I was hoping for an explosion of colour as the sun rose, but the clouds over the Lancashire hills absorbed all of the bright rays and it was a bit of a non event. The beach trail was deserted and a lovely cool breeze was blowing in from the north, cooling my skin. I dropped down the gears into my ultra pace - about 9 or 9.30 min miles, sat back and let the few miles slip by. It was a lovely run and I felt great.

Food Diary

Liquid Breakfast
Pre run Espresso, lots of bottled water and a couple of coffees.

Nutribullet Veggis smoothie: Spinach, avocado, lime, kiwi fruit, pear, linseeds and almonds

Piri Piri Smoked Mackerel (from Aldi and its amazing!) salad with new potatoes, boiled egg, cucumber, beetroot, radish, raw kale and spinach leaves,  baby tomatoes, mange tout, olives, mango salad dressing.

Piri Piri Mackerel Salad

Houmous and oatcakes. Handful of nuts and seed mix, 2x apples, pear

Homemade Beef Bolognese with Wholemeal Spaghetti and fresh Basil.

2x Amino Acid Tablets

Stretch and Strength:
A strength and core work out await me tonight, followed by a delicious foam roller and stretch session. I might even treat myself to a Malted Chocolate Horlicks before bed, you never know...

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