Monday, 24 August 2015

Rest day

Well its been one week since I started my challenge. I feel really good and Ive had some good runs through the week. Im off work now so I will hopefully be less tired in the mornings. Today is a rest day, so its time to refuel, rest and relax. Im feeling really good after yesterdays marathon. No aches, pains or even stiffness, hopefully thats a good sign of things to come!

The relaxing part is hard today as Oliver has been very anxious and has had a few meltdowns. It always leaves him totally drained, confused and feeling very down and sorry. Its really confusing for him to have all these emotions condensed into one outburst. Bless him, I wish I could take it for him!

Nobody wanted to do anything today, so we didn't, just a lazy pyjama type of day (although I still have to cook, clean and do the washing etc) I think we all needed it.

Ive had a good look at last weeks blogs and other than them being mind numbingly boring to anyone but me, they have been a good record of my training plan and food intake.

Week 1 : totals : ran : 63.20 miles  walked: 13.15 miles.
3x strength sessions

Nutrition : Not a bad start, but Ive noticed I had a lot of gluten in the back end of the week. I must be careful not to over do it, however it was all wholemeal. Its been good doing the plan but I do also need to watch my portion sizes.

Every main meal I had, my family had too and they both enjoyed them. You might notice my lunches sort of repeated as the week went on. I try to use up everything and minimise wastage so there will always be duplicate meals. 90% of my food comes from Aldi.

Food Diary:

Mini Shredded Wheat with Blueberries and Skimmed Milk

Mackerel Salad with boiled egg and Quinoa

Fat Free Greek Yoghurt with Blueberries

Salted cashews, apple, pear, grapes

Venison burger in a wholemeal bun with a few potato wedges, couple of slices of cheese, spinach side salad

A small (but very nice) Banana Angel Delight with chopped banana on top.

a Few coffees, lots of bottled water, Malted Chocolate Horlicks

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